What You Need to Know

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New York, NY, United States

Saturday, August 22, 2009

NYAT & a street fair

The memorial for Jasmine You was very nice. Thanks to Kinokunyia for hosting the event and Tainted Reality, J.A.M.E., and JRock Revolution for helping organize it. Plenty of people came and signed the cards Kaito brought. Some brought gifts and said a few caring words. I feel like crying now and I never met the man. But through others, like Roger of TR, I got to know him a little and feel like mourning such a terrible loss.

From what I heard, Jasmine had been sick for some time and then he left this world so young. But he inspired many of us to be who we wanted to be without caring about what others thought about us and it was good to know that he was able to give to us the gifts that he was able to give up during his time on this plain.

So please, if you're in NYC and around Bryant Park, NYAF will be having a booth there and has agreed to help host the cards for signing if anyone wasn't able to make it out tonight. Also, if you have gifts and letters, bring then b/c all of those things will be sent to Versailles manager and she will then pass them on to Jasmine's Family.

Thanks to everyone what made it. Thanks to those that said kind words and handed in gifts.

RIP Jasmine You @^~

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