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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thoughts on "The Last Airbender"

So, everyone's split on The Last Airbender". I, personally, have been looking forward to it for a long time now and when I got to see it on Saturday, I saw what people meant. But here's the thing, and I don't think people see it that way: M. Night Shyamalan took it from the perspective where people are not split by race but by elements. Yes, the original tv series ( Avatar: The Last Airbender") was based on all Asians but you have to remember that the concept was created and written by non-Asians so, theoretically, it left it open to the interpretation of the person running the show. In this case it was Shyamalan who took it from the aformentioned persective and I respect that. Maybe in the future the world will be run by the Chinese but this isn't an epic where all the major martial arts stars come out and play. Avatar was about kids discovering that they have to be responsible and save the world.

There were a few things that could have been better, like saying Sokka's name. It's said like the biggest football game in the world minus the r, not "Soka". There were other names that were mispronounced but I ignored that fact.It happens. People mispronounce names every day. Just... like... research, yes? Condensing a whole season into 2 hours made it seem shorter b/c there were several episodes that could have been put in to explain things a little more. What if there were people that never saw the series? I saw every ep so I know what's up. And the kids should have been allowed to be more kid-like as the characters are pretty much kids. Aang was played too seriously, even though his role is pretty serious.

But I do like the idea that there will be a movie for each "book" and that the actors look like the main characters. Except General Hiro. Uncle coulda looked a little more Uncle-like but his character acting was really good in portraying the person.

I expect people will say what they will on this subject but this is my take on it. I like it and look forward to the other 3 movies-to-be and hope that they'll be done better.

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