What You Need to Know

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New York, NY, United States

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Save the date! February 20, meet Misako Aoki!

Save the date! February 20, meet Misako Aoki!

Some of you may be aware that Misako Aoki is coming to New York for the Tokyo Fashion Festa on February 19. Well, the next day, she will be at our store! And she wants to meet you guys!

This came up rather suddenly so we still need to work out the details, but we wanted to let you know now since it's already short notice.

When: Saturday, February 20 (exact time TBD)
Where: Tokyo Rebel, 170 Avenue B, New York NY 10009 (between 10th and 11th Sts.)
What: Misako Aoki meet & greet

This will most likely be an informal event since there's not a lot of time to plan. She just wants to meet Lolitas from the area, take some pictures and write a report from our store.

Because we're a small store with limited space, we will have to control the number of people inside at any given time. We're now figuring out the best way to do that. Don't worry, everybody will get to meet Misako.

We'll announce more details very soon.

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