What You Need to Know

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New York, NY, United States

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mini Office Supply Bookcovers for Matchboxes

Mini Office Supply Bookcovers for Matchboxes

I stumbled upon this and thought this was just too cool not to share!

Creating Perfect Bias Fabric Loops - Threads

Creating Perfect Bias Fabric Loops - Threads

A nice refresher for me since it's been a long while since I made these things.

Monday, May 23, 2011


So today was my day off and didn't feel like doing much so I decided to begin my plushie army! The bunny/bear pic are using worst weight yarn and the pink one is using DK weight. I didn't have doll eyes but black plastic beads work just as well :3
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This is Hard Work!

Let me tell you. Crocheting embroidery thread is damn hard work! And that was a small bow too. Imagine working a larger version of it. Working on a solid color version but I kinda like how it came out. Very... Lady Gaga meets Paris Hilton-ish.
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Monday, May 2, 2011

When Craftiness Strikes at 9am

I didn't even have my cup o'joe when I made this. Pretty pleased with myself *peels glue off fingers*
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8