Well ain't life just quirky? I'm sitting at my desk at work and I receive a call from someone who I worked with last year. TJ organizes the fashion shows that are held at John Jay College every year and has asked me to work it. it's a bit last minute for me but I'll see once I get all the information. Who knows? I might just work it.
Also, the Hoshi no Hikari Host Club has asked ATNYC to help in working a fashion show that they've been planning for a while. I can't say that we are or we're not working it but things are looking promising.
NYAF is a far ways away but the next thing you know, it's all up in your face. ATNYC is working to see if we'll be able to participate this year and bring our fans yet another fashion show. I'll keep you posted on that when I find out new information.
And on the commission front, one of ATNYC's models, Kathy, has asked me to make one (of possibly several, I'm sure) dresses. Will it be used in the show? Maybe. You'll just have to wait and see.
But right now, it's official that ATNYC is having a get together at Sakura Matsui May 1st-2nd. ATNYC will be meeting on the 1st and it'll most likely be an all day event. Another event coming up is Japan Day. We're thinking of having a huge picnic and everyone's open to bring food to share.
That's all I got for now. Short and sweet ^_^ More later!