What You Need to Know

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New York, NY, United States

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This Just In Regarding NY Meets Japan 2!!!

I was just informed that the age for the show has been changed. It's no longer an all ages show but 16+ I'm sorry to those that intended to bring under 16 year olds but this is not our call unfortunately u_u

Those that are under 18 must be accompanied but an 18+ so if you have friends or family that are going great! If not, now's the time to become a firm believer in the buddy system! :D

Again, truly sorry to our under 16 crowd but this is not our call u_u


Monday, October 26, 2009

NY Meets Japan 2 in just a few days!!! And other news *lol*

Omg I've been so busy with this gig but it's gonna be great! If you're gonna be in NYC this Halloween weekend and wanna check out some awesome Jrock and fashion, then come to NY Meets Japan 2! As part of J-Summit, we are but a small part of whole Japan-aphile experience! There's many performers that'll be there as well as vendors selling many of your favorite items!

We're pleased to present The Bishounen's Closet fashion show again with fashion from NYAF and new designs from our designers, including yours truly!

Admission is $25 at the door and $20 with a flier that can be found at the official event pages:


If you can't go to Kinokuniya Bookstore to pick up a flier, you can simply print it out and it will be honored at the door.

This event with be Kaito's last event as a model until further notice so if you're a fan of his, you can't miss this event! Also Gurigula will be making their premiere US debut with us so please come and show them your support!!! More models, more merchandise, more ATNYC!!!

On a non-event related note, I sprained my ankle really badly and will be at the event with a pimp cane XD Come visit me at the ATNYC Merch table or wherever I'm hobbling to and say hi *lol*